Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Repetition of Nights A trought Z

This tablecloth has seen
torrential downpours in a scene
of pathetic.
Its quarter after the
start of a new day.
I have seen loopholes
time and time
I have grown in self judgment,
but the pushing
of the limits goes towards me
not fitting through the net.
Its an ego boost
Its mirror to mirror,
but I don't reflect.
What the problem is?
Its surface area and
arc length.
Its one minute left.
Its love.
It fits through the net.
I despise memory.
I smile and its taken as genuine.
Thank heavens for emery board
and dental bleach.
Thank me for
you and
your indecision.
Thank you
for me.
I need to recharge.
I need to sleep off this
opposite longing.
I thought I needed a five year slumber,
but I know I would wake up to the taste of
your lips.
I need to be awake.
I need to recall every blunder;
every mistake.
I need to not need.
Goodnight. Good morning.

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